Saturday 19 December 2020


 Here is an interesting unmasking from Black Scorpion the Tv Series.

Some of you may remember this and the films that were made its cheesy but enjoyable they don't make em like this anymore.

I decided to edit the unmasking scene from Episode 19 Photo Finish (Great title)

I may be delving into Live action edits at least for a few videos with some creativity I think I can cut in some naked shots etc and change some of the outcomes of these episodes.

We shall see check out my short edit below.


  1. Black Scorpion is a very interesting character.
    This unmasking was ok.
    But each time I regretted that this unmasking was not visible, only after removing the mask.
    The camera should be facing her all the time to better reveal her identity.
    I look forward to seeing more blog posts.

    1. Yes I’m just having a discussion about this on a forum a user pointed out that she has eye makeup and a wig so they had to cut it to have her hair instantly change so that she had the natural hair colour and no eye makeup when unmasked. I cut the unmasking together with a flash as they split the scene. Interestingly in Batman Returns Batman has no eye makeup just before unmasking himself to Selina Kyle It would have been good to see the unmasking done in that way where the eye makeup wasn’t present just before the unmasking and the wig was removed along with the mask. Kind of breaks up the unmasking and diminishes the affect on me the way they did it.

    2. Ooh please, I didn't know that. Well, it's underdeveloped, but it's great that for quite a long time the heroine is without a mask in the company of 2 people and still has her hands in chains

  2. " makes perfect sense, I'd recognise those tits anywhere"
